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Big Paul

Written By: stockytickler
Edited By: FeatherProof
The Eagle Bolt downtown is a fantastic space. A bar area at one end where guys are rubbing past each other to order drinks, and a dance floor with go-go dancers up on platforms for tips on the other end. Weekends are theme nights, like leather night, bear night and underwear nights. I've been there for all of them, because I love every theme night they've got, especially the last Friday of every month, when they combine them all into a fetish gear night. Scott hires go-go bears and they dance in leather, gear, underwear, you name it. The club mix is hot, the drinks are cheap, the guys get seriously horned up ... it's just a great place to be.

Scott is a grizzled daddy bear who tends the bar most weekends with his husband, Jerry. Scott's in his 50s, bald with a quick, warm smile, neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard. He's shorter and stocky with a firm round belly, hockey jock build with beefy pecs, shoulders and biceps blasting out through his bulldog harness, usually with tight leather jeans and... Read More...